Ethitec are excited to report more success for ELMS2 in the North West of England, with the news that Wigan Council have just gone live with their ELMS2 system. The Council recently awarded Ethitec a multi-year contract to implement their ELMS2 software solution to help the Council manage the operations of their Community Equipment Service (CES). The CES provide an important facility to the people of Wigan, supporting people of all ages through the issue of daily living equipment and medical aids, which enables residents to live independently within their own home. ELMS2 is now assisting the CES by offering a proven IT toolset to support the management of their procurement, delivery, collection, decontamination, maintenance, repair and storage related activities.
As well as installing the ELMS2 software on Council managed servers, Ethitec provided a range of professional services including data migration, training, consultancy, and handholding. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic meant that some of the services were delivered remotely, without disruption to the agreed project plan.
Mike Weatherall, Ethitec’s Operations Manager, paid tribute to the team at the Council – “We’ve all been really impressed by the team up in Wigan. Considering that they have been under some fairly significant pressures recently that have stretched their resources even more than normal, everyone that we have dealt with have been remarkably pragmatic, professional, and upbeat. It’s been a challenge for both parties, particularly as Ethitec haven’t been able to get on site as much as we would normally would, but the commitment from all involved led to a particularly smooth go-live process.”