
Ethitec passes Cyber Essentials Plus audit

Ensuring the security of our business, systems and data remains fundamental to everything that Ethitec do, so we’re again reassured that we have once more passed our annual Cyber Essentials Plus audit. Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK Government standard that help organisations such as Ethitec improve levels of IT infrastructure security and guard themselves against cyberattack. The audit involved a rigorous independent assessment of our systems and infrastructure by a qualified 3rd party organisation.

North Lanarkshire Council Equipment and Adaptation Service (EAS) is now live on ELMS2

Ethitec are very pleased to announce that they are now working with the North Lanarkshire Council Equipment and Adaptation Service (EAS). The Council recently awarded Ethitec a contract to implement their ELMS2 IT system, and this went live as planned in August 2024.

Based in Motherwell, EAS provide equipment and adaptations for people living in North Lanarkshire, as well as NHS Lanarkshire equipment to South Lanarkshire residents. The range of equipment and adaptations that EAS provides includes assistive technology, sensory impairment items, commodes, standard walking aids, stair lifts, external rails and bannisters, ramps and bathroom adaptations. EAS is a busy service that helps to maintain the independence of their clients together with delaying or preventing the need for health and social care interventions.

ELMS2 is a comprehensive software solution that is widely used across the UK, supporting the efficient management of Community Equipment Services and other areas of NHS and Social Care supplies provision. As well as installing the ELMS2 software, Ethitec provided the Council with a range of professional services, including data migration, training, consultancy, handholding, and hosting work to ensure a successful transition from their previous IT solution.


Posture and Mobility Group (PMG) 2024

Ethitec are once more looking forward to exhibiting at the Posture and Mobility Group (PMG) Annual Conference and Exhibition. PMG2024 will provide an educational programme, industry exhibition and networking event for professionals working in the field of posture and wheeled mobility. The event will be held from Monday 15 July to Wednesday 17 July 2024, and is again taking place at The International Centre in Telford. Further details are available here.

You’ll be able to find the Ethitec team demonstrating their ELMS2 system in their usual spot on Stand 42. ELMS2 is a powerful software solution that supports the efficient end-to-end running of Wheelchair Services. The system is easily scalable to suit the requirements of all services and active User Groups ensure that ELMS2 remains relevant and compliant with current legislation and industry expectations. We look forward to seeing you there.

NAEP 2024

Ethitec to Exhibit at NAEP 2024

Ethitec are again looking forward to exhibiting at the National Association of Equipment Providers (NAEP) Conference and Exhibition, which takes place in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, between the 12 and 14 June 2024.

Ethitec has a proud and long-established association with NAEP, having first exhibited at one of their annual events in 2001.  The Conference and Exhibition offers an educational environment, where representatives from Community Equipment Services, the supplier community and associated services meet to offer a unique platform for debate, providing solutions to meet the growing demands on Health and Social Care Services.  Further information on the 2024 programme is available via

The company will again be showcasing their market-leading ELMS2 solution, highlighting the latest enhancements to the system in its management of Community Equipment provision. You’ll be able to find ELMS2 and the Ethitec team in their usual spot on Stand 24.

The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) now live on ELMS2

Ethitec are pleased to announce that another service in Northern Ireland has chosen to implement their ELMS2 system. The rollout of ELMS2 to the community equipment and continence services managed by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) was completed in November 2023.

SEHSCT is an integrated organisation incorporating acute hospital services, community health & social services that serves a population of approximately 350.000 people. The Trust covers the local government districts of Ards, North Down, Down and Lisburn. The Community Nursing Equipment and Loans Service (CELS) provides equipment and products for patients in the community, whether it be in a nursing home, residential home or in the patient’s own home. The provision of suitable equipment can assist with hospital discharge and can also help patients to remain independent in their own homes for longer.

The ELMS2 system commissioned by the Trust provides a comprehensive set of easy to use software functions specifically designed to manage their ordering, stores, servicing, and distribution activities. Ethitec also delivered a set of technical, training, and consultancy services to help ensure a successful transition to the new system.

SEHSCT is now the 5th organisation to use ELMS2 in Northern Ireland, following the successful implementation of the system at three other Community Equipment Services which are hosted by the Northern, Southern and Western Health and Social Care Trusts respectively, and also at the Northern Ireland Regional Wheelchair Service.