End-to-End Transformation of your Wheelchair Service
ELMS2 is a powerful software solution that supports the efficient running of Wheelchair Services, either on an integrated or stand-alone basis. The system is easily scalable to suit the requirements of all services, and active User Groups ensure that ELMS2 remains relevant and compliant with current legislation and industry expectations. Strategically, the system is well placed, with support for paperless working, RTT Reporting, CIDS, and NHS eRS (Choose and Book).
ELMS2 is tried, tested, and in use by services across the UK, and as the system advances, our development team ensures that it continues to provide all relevant legislative and performance indicator information as a by-product of normal use.

What else can ELMS2 do?
Using the latest version of ELMS2, practitioners can manage the triage of referrals into their service, manage clinics and waiting lists, and schedule new appointments and follow-ups using the powerful multi-resource Appointment module.
ELMS2 is a patient-centric system, and maintains a history of all activity and contact with patients, together with a comprehensive set of demographics that can support a full Electronic Patient Record (EPR). Assessment, clinical, and staff activity data can be collated in accordance with local practice. Assessment forms within ELMS2 can be created by users, a capability empowering clinicians to control data collection, offering both financial and time savings when making changes over traditionally ‘hard coded' screens.
Clinical workflows are supported which closely mirror the working practice of its clinical users. This makes it easy for a clinician to intuitively progress through their daily caseload / clinic with ‘their view of the world', managing episodes of care and recording outcomes. These clinical modules have been based on the proven functionality of Ethitec's award winning Tiara9 system, which delivers an EPR and clinical information system for the Allied Health Professions.
The purchasing, management, distribution, and collection of stock are key components of ELMS2. Deliveries, services, handovers, visits, and repairs can all be scheduled and recorded. Stock and parts are tracked against multiple locations, and budget and asset information is recorded and accessible in real-time. Stock and delivery data can also be input into the system via barcodes with the ability to incorporate online and offline scanning.
External Approved Repairers are also catered for, and they can be given direct, controlled, access to ELMS2, or Ethitec can provide electronic links to their systems, helping you to monitor and manage their performance.
Key Functionality for Wheelchair Services
Below is some of the key functionality embedded in ELMS2, relevant to Wheelchair Services:
Patients and Wheelchairs
- Patient Demographics and History
- Purchase Order Management
- Referral & Discharge Management
- Clinical Details
- Stock, Parts, & Asset Management
- Interface to 3rd Party Repairer Systems
- Catalogue information
- External Approved Repairer Monitoring
- Controlled 3rd Party Contractor Access
- Servicing and Repairs
- Modifications
- Item History
- Stock Waiting Lists
- Vouchers
- Budgets, Finance, and Asset Management
- Prescription, Handover, & Delivery Processing
- Integral Barcoding, including 1D / 2D / GS1 / QR
- Referrer / Clinician / Staff details & activity
ELMS2 Clinician Module
- Individual Workflow based
- Booking Appointments
- Problem Management
- Recording Clinical Contacts
- Discharge
- Goals and Outcomes
- Completing Assessments
- Care Profiles
ELMS2 Appointment Module
- Waiting List Management
- Transport Monitoring
- Single and Series Appointment Scheduling
- Follow up and reviews
- Staff / Equipment / Clinic Management
- Waiting List Statistics
Finance Features
- Budget Holders
- Budget Debits & Refunds
- Purchasing
- Personal Health Budgets
- Asset Management & Depreciation
- Sales and Hires
- Invoicing
- Costs & Commitments
- Expenditure by Referrer
- Vouchers
- Performance Indicators
- Operational Reporting
- Batch / Automated Reporting
- Dashboards
- Export Data in Multiple Formats
- Ad-Hoc Reporting
- Clinical Commissioning Group based reporting
- Management Reporting including Referral to Treatment Reporting
- NHS England National Wheelchair Data Collection Reporting
Other Features
- e-RS / Choose & Book Certification
- News Pages
- User Defined Forms, Screens, and Fields
- Data Retention / GDPR compliance
- Local Style Sheets
- Letters & Mailshots
- eLearning Functionality
- Equipment Review / Feedback
- Comprehensive Audit Trail
- Prescriber Surveys
- System Events
- Security & Access Profiles
- Import Documents / Images from Attached Devices and the ELMS2app
- Full Community Information Dataset (CIDS) capability
- 3rd Party System Interfaces (NHS eRS / LLPG/ Addressing/ Finance/ NHS PDS etc)
- Automated Emails and SMS Messages to Patients, Prescribers, Management, and Users
- Compliance with DCB0129 Clinical Risk Management standard

Community Equipment Service?
Our ELMS2 for Community Equipment Services page outlines additional functionality relating to Stock, Journeys, and more...