Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service choose ELMS2

In a great end to the year, Ethitec are thrilled to announce that they’ve been awarded a contract to provide their ELMS2 system to manage the operations of the Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service.

The award follows the completion of a formal tender process led by the Shropshire Healthcare Procurement Service in which Ethitec were evaluated against competitor offerings in various service areas including Implementation, Training, Support and Information Governance, while the functionality of the ELMS2 system was scrutinised in its support for managing business functions such as patient records, referrals, assessments, and stock.

Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service is a clinically-led service which meets the posture and mobility needs of people with a long term disability of all ages across the whole of Shropshire. The staff there include wheelchair therapists, who are occupational therapists and physiotherapists, clinical assistants, rehabilitation engineers, repair engineers, stores specialists and an administrative support team.

ELMS2 is a comprehensive, proven software solution that supports the efficient management of Wheelchair Services, Community Equipment Services, and other areas of NHS and Social Care supplies provision. It offers comprehensive integrated, modular facilities to manage patients, referrals, waiting lists, appointments, assessments, stock, journeys, purchasing, servicing, and repairs.


You can contact Ethitec by calling us on +44 (0)116 247 0806 or using the contact form.